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Kong: Skull Island / 金刚:骷髅岛


A diverse team of scientists, soldiers and adventurers unite to explore a mythical, uncharted island in the Pacific, as dangerous as it is beautiful. Cut off from everything they know, the team ventures into the domain of the mighty Kong, igniting the ultimate battle between man and nature. As their mission of discovery becomes one of survival, they must fight to escape a primal Eden in which humanity does not belong.

上世纪70年代,一支集结了科考队员、探险家、战地摄影记者、军人的探险队,冒险前往南太平洋上的神秘岛屿——骷髅岛。他们的到来惊扰了岛上之神——史上最大金刚。经过一番惨烈的激战之后,探险队员散落在了岛屿各处。此时,队员们才意识到这次探险并不是一次单纯的科考任务,而是去探索怪兽存在的证明。 在这片与世隔绝、危险密布的丛林,无数怪异的史前生物暗藏其中,时刻威胁着他们的生命。队员们还遇到了神秘的原始部落,金刚的身世和其守护岛屿的原因也被逐渐揭开,原来,恐怖阴森的骷髅岛上还蛰伏着更凶狠残暴的怪兽……