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The Second Sight / 灵触


Jet is a man who has a paranormal ability since he was born. But it makes him a freak among his friends. But everything changes when Jet falls in love with a girl. He begins to use his ..

年轻有为的青年律师杰特(纳瓦·君拉纳拉 Nawat Kulratanarak 饰)自幼拥有阴阳眼,他可以看到常人无法看见的众生,从小见多了报应索命的案例,因此深信宿命循环、因果不虚的真理。进入律师界,他凭借丰富的学识成为小有名气的律界精英,并和美丽的女友小琼(雅雅英 Yayaying Rhatha Phongam 饰)情意笃真。虽然相信因果,但杰特有时还会以法律为幌子帮助一些恶人逃脱制裁..